Cape Cod, MA Hotels

Dockside Hotel Group, Yarmouth, Cape Cod, MA

Dockside Hotel Group, Yarmouth, Cape Cod, MA

Hotel group based in West Yarmouth, 3 Mid-Cape Cod properties with a variety of accommodations and price ranges.

All hotels are within 1/2 mile of each other. All properties offer indoor and outdoor pools, saunas, whirlpools: video game room, hospitality room, heat/A/C, telephones, color cable TV and mini-refrigerators. Each property has an individual appeal.

Cape Point Hotel
"The upscale Cape Point Hotel offers VCRs in all rooms, a cafe, an exercise room, lounge - the Upper Deck Sports Loft, glass elevator and Cabana Bar & Grille.
476 Main Street, Rte. 28
West Yarmouth, Cape Cod, MA

Mariner Motor Lodge
The Mariner Motor Lodge offers a mini-golf course, two picnic & BBQ areas, children's play area, summer snack bar, coffee room and dining discounts.
573 Main Street, Rte. 28
West Yarmouth, Cape Cod, MA

Town 'N Country Motor Lodge
"The Town 'N Country Motor Lodge has well decorated guest rooms, two outdoor pools, a kiddie pool a shaded picnic area, and dining discounts.
457 Main Street, Rte. 28
West Yarmouth, Cape Cod, MA

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